Divorce in the UAE: What are the options?

Divorce in the UAE: What are the options?

Family Law – UAE and UK

Laura feels that the marriage has come to an end……

Tom and Laura have been married for 10 years. They are both UK citizens and moved to Dubai 5 years ago as Tom was offered a job here. They have 1 child who is 8 years old. Laura feels that the marriage has come to an end as she and Tom have no common interest and barely talk except for spending limited time together for the sake of the child. Laura is considering separation/ divorce but does not know how to approach Tom.

Laura needs to consider what she really wants and whether there is a chance of reconciliation. A referral can be made to a family counselor if both parties are prepared to attend. If a separation is inevitable, Laura needs to consider the most effect jurisdiction for divorce. Under UAE law, the Personal Status Law allows expatriates to divorce through the UAE Courts.

Laura also has the option to consider proceedings in courts of England & Wales as both parties retain domicile in UK. We would explain the procedure for obtaining a divorce and also elements such as finances which can be agreed through either mediation or negotiations through lawyers.

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