Our Expertise
Drawing on our years of experience and highly trained lawyers, we provide our clients with clear and practical advice on all their legal issues in a friendly and accessible way.
We provide legal advice for your business, through our Corporate & Commercial department, and for you personally through our Private Client department. Our lawyers’ qualifications and professional licensing and registrations are as solicitors, barristers and advocates in their home countries which enable them to be licensed as legal consultants/advocates in certain jurisdictions with the UAE. We also have a number of lawyers who are able to act as Commissioners for Oaths.
When it comes to supporting clients with their legal requirements, we believe that we can cover most of them within our firm and have well trusted and reliable partners with whom we work closely where their individual skill sets and expertise provide the most benefit to our clients.
LEt us help you
What are you looking for?

Certifications and Swearing of Oaths

Commercial Law Services In Dubai & The UAE

Corporate Business Law Services

Data Privacy

Debt Recovery Services In Dubai & The UAE

DIFC Employment Solutions

Dispute Resolution

Employment Law Services In Dubai & The UAE

Independent Legal Advice (England & Wales property transactions)

Intellectual Property Services In Dubai & The UAE

Mergers & Acquisitions Services In Dubai & The UAE

Real Property

UK & UAE Family Law Services

UK Immigration Lawyers In Dubai & The UAE