Family Law and the Breakdown of your Marriage

Family Law and the Breakdown of your Marriage

Family Law – UAE and UK

We live in this ideal world where everything is perfect !!! or is this a misconception ?   When there is a breakdown of a relationship, this can be one of the most traumatic periods of anyone’s life.  You will be naturally concerned about how a breakdown in a relation will impact on you and any children you have.  There will be many questions that will go through your head including, children, finances, and property. 

At James Berry & Associates, our team of highly qualified Legal Consultants / Solicitors can advise you in this difficult emotional situation.  We provide sympathetic personal advice tailored to your individual circumstances and requirements. You may have preconceived ideas as to what your rights are and you may be misled by the people who you look to for support.  We offer specialist advice and support in ensuring you make informed decision which will impact your future.  We will also consider the most appropriate Court for you to make any marital claims and will go through the advantages and disadvantages of the Court processes for cases in UAE and also other jurisdictions.   Although we are UK qualified Solicitors, we have a clear understanding of the processes in UAE and various other Countries.  

Our Legal Consultants / Solicitors will be able to provide clear and concise advise in many areas of the breakdown of your relationship including:

  • Separation – Divorce is a big step to take and unless you are certain that this is how you want to proceed, you may want to consider separation and reflect on arrangements including the children, finances and property.  We can advise you on your options and refer you and your spouse to mediation where you will be able to discuss and try to find solutions for your issues.
  • Divorce – we can provide specialist advice on the appropriate jurisdiction for your divorce including your rights and entitlement on dissolution of the marriage.  We will explain the divorce process and will help you throughout the proceedings.
  • Maintenance – As finances can often be a struggle, we can advise you with regards to your entitlement.  Maintenance can be for yourself / your children.  If your spouse is not willing to provide financial support whilst the proceedings take place, Interim Orders can be sought from the Court.
  • Property and Financial disputes  – You will need to think about financial matters and also consider any property that you / your spouse may have.  We can advise you on potential settlements when going through a divorce and if appropriate refer you to mediation so that you and your spouse can discuss and try and resolve the issues. Negotiations can also take place through Solicitors or at Court. 
  • Children issues – Children are often the most affected following a breakdown in the family unit.  We can advise you on all Children Law aspects including contact, custody, and maintenance to mention a few. 
  • Pre- nuptial and post nuptials agreements – Prenuptial agreements are made before the marriage and should include fair terms for parties and any dependent children.  We can help you draft an agreement to provide for the management of your finances during the marriage.  Post-nuptial agreements deal with the difficult issues such as the division of wealth and assets in the event of the marriage breaking down and can be made during the marriage. Following your specific instructions, we can advise and carefully draft prenuptial / post nuptial agreements to fit your individual circumstances and needs.

As Court proceedings can be lengthy and costly, we will consider whether your matter can try to be settled through avenues such as mediation, which can be quicker, cheaper and less acrimonious than going through the Courts.  Mediation may not always eliminate the problems however, through specialist counselling can suggest solutions or discuss compromises.

If you are experiencing any family issues, please do contact us.  You can make an appointment to come and speak to us at our fortnightly family clinic where we can offer you up to a 30 minutes free consultation. 

You are not alone. We are here to guide and assist you through any of your matrimonial issues.  

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