Overseas Domestic Worker visa for the UK

Do you want to want to take your nanny/ maid on holiday when you are visiting the UK ? If so, you can apply for an overseas domestic worker visa.

To apply, the worker must be a domestic worker ie cleaner, chauffeur, cook, someone who provides personal care for the employer and their family or a nanny, who is working in a private household. The worker must be over the age of 19 and have worked for the employer for a minimum of 12 months at the time of making the application.
The worker must be able to support themselves in the UK without the need for public funds. Therefore, whilst in the UK, the employer will need to pay the worker at least the UK national minimum wage.

The worker can apply to travel with the employer if the employer is either a British citizen who usually lives outside the UK and who does not intend to remain in the UK for more than 6 months or a foreign citizen who is coming to the UK on a visit and who does not intend to remain for more than 6 months.

Along with completing the online application Form, the worker will need to provide various documents to include their passport; any work visa’s from the worker’s Country of application; proof that the worker can support themselves during the entire trip; bank statements; salary slips; a statement completed by the worker and employer; the worker’s contract of employment; a letter from the employer to confirm the worker’s job title and how long they have worked for the employer.

Once a decision is made, the worker can visit the UK with their employer for up to 6 months. This visa can not be extended and the worker and employer will have to return to the Country of residence either before or upon completion of the 6 months.

This visa can be applied for up to 3 months before the intended travel date. Decisions are usually provided within 3 weeks subject to the correct application, any verification of supporting documents or a need for an interview to take place.

The above is a general commentary on the subject matter and should not be construed as specific legal advice. Information stated in the article are subject to change and updated information as to the relevant Laws, Rules, Regulations and requirement should be sought prior to making any application. To seek specific advice for an Overseas Domestic Worker visa for the UK or any other UK Immigration matter, please contact Dee Popat

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